use Visual Studio .NET HTML5 development tools to
extend transposed apps to mobile flow & form factor

.NET HTML5 Mobile  Extend applications to mobile

.NET HTML5 preview »   Offered as a service until 2013 »


Desktop and mobile from one code base!


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Featured Webinar

Transposition (migration & modernization) WebinarOn-Demand: Extending C/S Applications to HTML5 and Mobile Has Never Been Easier
Forrester Research and Gizmox on the substantial changes and challenges brought by the move to Web Apps and Open Web architectures, and how Gizmox is helping organizations navigate their mobile shift and evolve existing VB6, ASP and .NET applications into the HTML5 standard.
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HTML5 Open Web

.NET for HTML5Embracing the new open web standard for rich cross-platform Cloud and Mobile applications is now easier than ever. Use our classic .NET visual form-based designer or our Transposition tools to achieve HTML5 front-ends allowing accessibility to your business applications from anywhere.
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Secured by Design

Secured by Design web & mobile applicationsDue to a unique "Empty Client" paradigm, all business logic and sensitive data remain on the server, behind the firewall. This web and mobile pipeline has proven to be unhackable in a first of its kind prize-winning hacking challenge.
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Decorated Platform

SDTimes 100 Top Cloud PlatformsVisual WebGui is an award-winning rich .NET application platform that delivers rich, HTML5 front-end Web, Cloud & Mobile applications with equivalent functionality and richness to desktop client/server applications (VB6, ASP, Power Builder, .NET, etc.).
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CRN Top 100 Cloud Computing Vendors ComponentSource Bestselling Publisher Awards 2010-2011 VWG was named one of the most influential and innovative technologies in the software industry Visual Studio Partners Windows Azure Partners